Content of a marketing strategy
Mobile marketing strategy
If you’ve been doing content marketing for a while, you probably know how hard it is to continually produce ideas to differentiate your brand, captivate followers and stand out from the competition.To give you a leg up, today we’ve compiled 13 content marketing strategies recommended by Forbes experts to give your content a twist and keep surprising. Here we go!<iframe loading=”lazy” class=”hs-responsive-embed-iframe loading=”lazy” hs-fullwidth-embed” style=”position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none;” xml=”lang” src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/z8io3g6tmjs” width=”560″ height=”315″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen” data-service=”youtube”> 13 content marketing strategies to differentiate your brand.
How to make a marketing strategy
Although content strategy is often confused with content marketing, the difference is easy: the strategy is the plan that makes the effectiveness of content marketing possible, defining how to carry out that content, as well as when and how we will share it.
Do you know how to apply content marketing in your business? That’s probably the question you’re asking yourself right now. Before going into five different strategies, we want you to be clear that the first thing you should do is define your objectives, as well as detect what your customers are looking for and in which social networks they usually spend their time.
Defining whether you want to achieve more conversations, subscriptions or reach will help you to decide for one type of content or another. Why do you want to do content marketing and what do you want to achieve with it? Research what is being done in the market and, in particular, your main competitors, it will help you define a clear line of content. By what they do, but also by what they don’t do, which could allow us to become a reference if we find a market niche in which to position ourselves.
Content marketing pdf
This is because, nowadays, consumers are no longer satisfied with just knowing about the existence of a product or service. Today, they have the necessary tools to search for all the information they need to research a brand or company before making a purchase.
Content marketing is the marketing strategy that focuses on creating, publishing and distributing relevant content to your target audience for the purpose of attracting new customers in a non-intrusive way.
The most common components of a content marketing plan are social media, blogs, visual content and premium content material such as tools, ebooks or webinars. The following scenarios demonstrate how the process works.
You do keyword research and discover that 2,000 people search for the phrase “infographic generator” every month; so you decide to create a generator that people can use for free the first time and then, if they like the tool, they can create more infographics at no additional cost, just by providing you with their name and email address.
Digital marketing strategy
To get users to spend more time on the website, and even recommend it, the content can not only have text, but must include photos, videos, success stories, forms, surveys, discount vouchers, courses, invitations to events and webinars.
A good digital strategy plans, develops and manages both written and visual content, reaches the right people, at the right time and with the right information. This increases website traffic, attracts, retains and builds customer loyalty.
Improving brand recognition through content is a key objective. To do so, you need to increase website traffic and offer meaningful experiences to users. These practices go hand in hand with other objectives such as gaining subscribers, converting them into leads, giving credibility, increasing online conversions, sales and customer loyalty.
Set clear goals. For example, increase traffic by 60 percent in four months. Reach 2,500 visits in October and increase your blog leads by 40 percent, going from 180 to 300 in the same period.