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Data Policy details how we collect and use your personal information to determine some of the ads you see and to provide the other services described below. In the
1. The services we offer Our goal is to empower people to build communities and make the world a more connected place, and to that end, we make available to you the Products and services described below:
We carry out research tasks for the purpose of developing, testing and improving our Products. This includes analyzing the data we have about our users and understanding how they use our Products, for example, by conducting surveys and tests, and troubleshooting new features. In our
If you delete your account or we disable your account, the agreement established by these Terms will cease to apply, but the following provisions will continue to apply: 3.3.1, 4.2-4.5.
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Your page must have activity and provide information before you start promoting it, so start posting updates as soon as it is up and running. New photos and updates give visitors the feeling that this is an active page. You can increase the reach of your posts beyond your page followers by promoting them and targeting the people you want to connect with.
Once your page is set up, invite your customers and contacts to communicate with you through your page to keep in touch and stay in the loop. You can also circulate ads to find new followers for the brand.
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People who like your page will receive notifications when you post updates, which will help you reach them and keep you as their first choice. Getting more likes on your page can help you keep people informed about your latest products, promotions and events, and even convert them into new customers.
Use page features that suit your type of business to increase transactions. Schedule appointments or accept bookings, direct people to your website’s store or donation page, or provide a link to your app or game for them to download.
Use attractive visual elements to convert your page visitors into customers. The latest photos and videos of your products and services can help you attract new customers, especially if you follow these best practices for content.
When placing objects for a photo or video, you can arrange them in an interesting way to capture attention and stand out. You can record or photograph the scene from above or change the distance of the objects from the camera.
Facebook en español de españa gratis del momento