Facebook en español para entrar a mi cuenta
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Now, when you go inside Security & Login, just scroll down a little bit to the Login section. There, click on the Edit button of the Use two-step authentication option, which is within a section that is also called Two-step authentication.
You also have the activity log, which will allow you to see all the posts you have made so far to change this parameter one by one. It is more tedious, but it is useful if you do not want to configure them all absolutely the same.
Beyond that, the procedure to decide individually who can see each new photo you upload is the same. When you click on the option to publish a new photo, in the Create publication window you can change who can see it with the button that appears under your name. When you open it, you will see the options we have mentioned above, and you will be able to make the change. Note that if you change the default settings when posting, it will only affect that photo.
facebook sign in
Now, when you go into Security & Login, simply scroll down a bit to the Login section. There, click on the Edit button of the Use two-step authentication option, which is within a section that is also called Two-step authentication.
You also have the activity log, which will allow you to see all the posts you have made so far to change this parameter one by one. It is more tedious, but it is useful if you do not want to configure them all absolutely the same.
Beyond that, the procedure to decide individually who can see each new photo you upload is the same. When you click on the option to publish a new photo, in the Create publication window you will be able to change who can see it with the button that appears under your name. When you open it, you will see the options we have mentioned above, and you will be able to make the change. Note that if you change the default settings when posting, it will only affect that photo.
facebook messenger
We have thought it over. We don’t want to deactivate the account, we want to delete it directly, delete it. But here the social network shows again how to make the user think about it, because when requesting the deletion, FB gives us 30 days, a whole month to think about whether we really want to leave their network.
The more time you have to think about whether or not to definitely cancel the account, the more options there are for you to come back and not delete it. If you made the decision in an act of anger or because you were very burned out of the networks, you may feel like coming back after 30 days.
facebook.com facebook
The main function of this social network is to connect millions of people on a daily basis, no matter how far away they are, through an online chat incorporated in its system where you can make video calls totally free of charge.
Currently there are different ways to enter the social network account, all of them are really easy to carry out, this can be done through your Smartphone, your computer or directly from the browser. This will allow you to enjoy all the services offered by this page, where you can share any kind of information with your friends.
If you are one of the people who have an iPhone you also have two possibilities to access your account, like Android devices you can enter through the platform application or mobile browser.
This is another of the most used and known ways by all users of the platform to access it, as in mobile devices you can connect in two ways, either using one of the Internet browsers or if you have a computer with Windows operating system you can download the platform application.