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Most searched words in google

enero 4, 2022
Most searched words in google

Most searched words in google

Trends 2021

In the top we find Banco Pichincha which, although it is not an Ecuadorian institution, has a prominent place in the results. Also striking is the presence of the term “friv games”, which accounts for several pages of free online games.

We also note the appearance of a new horizontal bar chart. This graph compares, in relative terms, the overall popularity of the words concerned under the conditions we have set. Here we can see that the popularity of the term “dog” is slightly higher than that of “cat”.

Another keyword tool available to us is UberSuggest, which has nothing to do with the Uber service. This tool is very useful in terms of SEO because, in addition to being easy to use, it provides important data to guide experts.

Google trean

The most searched sporting event, after the Copa America, was the Qualifiers to the next World Cup, Qatar 2022, as they are about to end and Argentina recently secured its qualification.

Another of the most searched celebrities was the singer Chano, who suffered an accident with the police, in which he ended up being shot. He was also sought for his recovery, which included a hospitalization in a clinic due to his addictions and which ended positively, giving a concert at Luna Park recently.

Most searched in google 2020

When is Easter; when WhatsApp returns; when Barcelona plays; when the Olympics start; when is Carnival; and when FIFA 22 comes out, complete the list of the most typed “when” in this search engine.

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This list is completed by questions such as “why Messi is leaving”; “why Melendi is not in La Voz”; “why does the arm hurt with the vaccine”; “why Cat was crazy in Victorious”; “why is Women’s Day celebrated”; “why do my applications close”; “why do cats purr”; and “why are there so many earthquakes in Granada”.

Google ads

When is Easter; when WhatsApp returns; when does Barcelona play; when do the Olympics start; when is Carnival; and when does FIFA 22 come out, complete the list of the most typed “when” in this search engine.

This list is completed by questions such as “why is Messi leaving”; “why Melendi is not in La Voz”; “why does the arm hurt with the vaccine”; “why Cat was crazy in Victorious”; “why is Women’s Day celebrated”; “why do my applications close”; “why do cats purr”; and “why are there so many earthquakes in Granada”.

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