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Psychology love eye trick

enero 3, 2022
Psychology love eye trick

Psychology love eye trick


Humans are one of the few mammalian species in which a relatively large brain is combined with a great capacity to process visual stimuli. We spend our daily lives paying attention to the scenes unfolding before our eyes, imagining concrete images and unconsciously judging the nonverbal language of others, much of which is visual.

In our free time we love to satisfy our need to be entertained through our eyes, and in order to see things we are even capable of watching a succession of television commercials, something that from a rational perspective only benefits the advertiser.

Our brain is capable of picking up this apparent chaos of visual information and making sense of it, because it is made to adapt to a massive amount of data and prioritize certain aspects over others. It is not for nothing that approximately one third of the human brain is dedicated to processing visual information. It can be said that the gaze is one of our best weapons for adapting to the environment.


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Culturally, there is a bias around beauty whereby we come to believe that all that is beautiful is good, that those who enjoy intense physical attractiveness hide, in turn, fabulous personal qualities.

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In a world of equal people, the different attracts. However, sometimes, many of us think that being different can cause humiliation, criticism and even marginalization in society.

Attraction begins with the look and knowing how to connect with others through it. At the same time, we need to learn to take care of our posture: crossed legs and crossed arms are like walls when it comes to building trust.

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Everything that concerns you also affects your partner. We live with someone else’s emotions, worries, decisions and these have an impact on us as well. So for a couple to enjoy each other and be well, it is obvious that both parties need to be on the same wavelength of being well. In these months we have gone through alternating low moments. We were pulling on each other in spurts. But the wear and tear accumulates, the reproaches start, the laziness and without realizing it, we lose the shine in our eyes. Because instead of focusing on what keeps love, we focus on everything that does not work, not only in the couple, but in our environment.

So, if you’re in this state of semi-confinement, fed up and in a bad mood and don’t want your relationship to end up failing, let’s put some passion and sanity into making love last pretty.

What beautiful or intimate topics of conversation do you have pending? If there is something lovely, comforting, intimate, binding, it is to be able to talk with time and love with the person you love. Sharing future projects, situations that worry you, memories of romantic moments, pending conversations for which we do not usually have time.

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At the end of the day, love and desire are a series of responses to stimuli that, triggered at the right moment or situation, can make the difference between success and failure in our love relationships.

The magician and mentalist warns that there is no better weapon in a conquest than observation, really focusing on what your partner is doing or saying. This is why he gives 8 of his main tips, based on the psychology of body language.

Want to know from a distance if a girl is willing to talk to you in a meeting? Make eye contact with her. If you notice that she discreetly raises an eyebrow or squints her eyes, there may be chemistry.

Like feet, pupils are more than a lie detector, they are a truth detector. When a person – male or female – is keenly interested in what you are saying, one of your words catches their attention or matches your posture, their pupils will dilate briefly. It is a very subtle, but powerful sign.

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