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Como hacer una galeria de imagenes en html5

julio 21, 2022

Cómo crear una galería de imágenes en html, css y javascript

In the beginning, the Web was just text, and it was really quite boring. Fortunately, it wasn’t too long before the ability to embed images (and other more interesting types of content) inside web pages was added. There are other types of multimedia to consider, but it is logical to start with the humble <img> element, used to embed a simple image in a webpage. In this article we’ll look at how to use it in depth, including the basics, annotating it with captions using <figure>, and detailing how it relates to CSS background images.

How do we put an image on a webpage?In order to put a simple image on a webpage, we use the <img> element. This is an empty element (meaning that it has no text content or closing tag) that requires a minimum of one attribute to be useful — src (sometimes spoken as its full title, source). The src attribute contains a path pointing to the image you want to embed in the page, which can be a relative or absolute URL, in the same way as href attribute values in <a> elements.

Galería de imágenes Javascript con miniaturas

3 min. readAt some point, everyone comes across HTML. If you’re unfamiliar with HTML, that’s no problem. You can still easily insert images onto a blog post or webpage using it. In fact, it’s not really that difficult if you understand a few basic principles. Here’s a guide to help you out. To simplify everything and help avoid confusion, I’ve color-coded the HTML tags so that you can differentiate them.

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Identify first where you’d like to place your image within the HTML and insert the image tag, <img>. Then take your uploaded image, copy the URL and place it within your img parameters prefaced by a src.

This helps identify what the picture entails. For example, if it’s a picture of an umbrella on a beach, write the alt tag to include something about a beach umbrella. Be very descriptive as if you were describing it to someone who couldn’t look at it.

Linking an image in HTML requires a few more steps, especially if you want to change certain attributes and details. Here’s a complete step-by-step that covers all you’ll need. You’ll start with the link tag, which is <a>. The href is where you’ll place the URL. A continuación, necesitarás la etiqueta de imagen, que es <img>. Como ya se ha dicho, el src es el lugar donde incluirás el archivo de imagen.

Galería de imágenes css con miniaturas

To give you more of an idea, have a look at the finished example (no peeking at the source code!)Steps to completeThe following sections describe what you need to do.Declare an array of image filenamesYou need to create an array listing the filenames of all the images to include in the gallery. The array should be declared as a constant.Looping through the imagesWe’ve already provided you with lines that store a reference to the thumb-bar <div> inside a constant called thumbBar, create a new <img> element, set its src attribute to a placeholder value xxx, and append this new <img> element inside thumbBar.

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Adding a click event listener to each thumbnail imageIn each loop iteration, you need to add a click event listener to the current newImage — this listener should find the value of the src attribute of the current image. Set the src attribute value of the displayed-img <img> to the src value passed in as a parameter.

Alternatively, you can add one event listener to the thumb bar.Writing a handler that runs the darken/lighten buttonThat just leaves our darken/lighten <button> — we’ve already provided a line that stores a reference to the <button> in a constant called btn. You need to add a click event listener that:

Galería de fotos código html gratis

Esta es una sencilla aplicación para principiantes que muestra cómo crear una galería de imágenes utilizando las herramientas HTML 5 y CSS 3. Sabemos que CSS es el acrónimo de Cascading Style Sheet (hoja de estilo en cascada) que ayuda a diseñar una forma en una aplicación web. CSS tiene tres niveles; son el nivel 1, el nivel 2 y el nivel 3. El nivel 3 de CSS se utiliza siempre para desarrollar una aplicación animada con la ayuda de las herramientas de HTML 5.    CSS 3 proporciona un módulo avanzado utilizado en las aplicaciones web que incluyen selectores, modelos de caja, transformación 2D y 3D, animación e interfaz de usuario. Ahora en este artículo, hemos creado una galería de imágenes utilizando CSS3 y HTML 5.

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