Focused on or in
Student-centered learning is synonymous with a wide variety of educational strategies generally referred to as personalized learning (among many other possible terms). Educational decisions are made by considering what students need to know or what methods would be most effective in facilitating learning for individual students or groups of students. Student-centered learning often refers to an alternative approach to existing or more traditional approaches to schooling that some educators might view as teacher-centered or school-centered.
learner-centered meaning
Student-centered learning is synonymous with a wide variety of educational strategies generally referred to as personalized learning (among many other possible terms). Educational decisions are made by considering what students need to know or what methods would be most effective in facilitating learning for individual students or groups of students. Student-centered learning often refers to an alternative approach to existing or more traditional approaches to schooling that some educators might view as teacher-centered or school-centered.
persona centrada
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ABC de las Constelaciones con Enfoque Centrado en Soluciones: Aprende a constelar de la manera más práctica y resolutiva mediante el lenguaje transverbal … von Kibéd e Insa Sparrer (Spanish Edition) Kindle Edition
Manera de proceder con el cual se representan en el espacio los elementos realmente relevantes del sistema a ser representados, que fueron mencionados en una conversación previa, y de esta manera son representadas las estructuras de relación, los comportamientos y tendencias al cambio de este sistema. De esta manera pueden, por ejemplo, al preguntar por la resolución de un conflicto en un equipo, ser representados como elementos del sistema, miembros del equipo, director(es) de la empresa, la empresa, objetivos y clientes a través de representantes.
based meaning
This book attempts to stimulate tutors, teachers and counselors to apply in their work methodological strategies that enhance the student’s involvement in his or her own learning thus reinforcing his or her responsibility, …
TASK-CENTERED DESCRIPTION1DEFINITION “It is a model of short-term social work intervention in which the social worker and client identify specific problems and the necessary tasks to be accomplished.
Center Church, a collection of twelve essays by Timothy Keller, outlines a theological vision for ministry that is organized around three core commitments: * Gospel-centered: The gospel of grace in Jesus Christ changes everything, from our …
The usefulness of Matlab for the treatment of multidimensional data will be demonstrated. Special emphasis is also given to the calculation of linear combinations of the observed vectors. The matrix of