Principles of marketing kotler pdf
Moral-Moral, M. (2021). The application of neuromarketing to the field of tourism: a literature review. Vivat Academia. Revista de Comunicación, 154, 429-442. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2021.154.e1359. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2021.154.e1359.
Assistant Professor of the Marketing and Market Research Area of the University of Cadiz. PhD in Social and Legal Sciences from the University of Cadiz. Degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Jaén. Professor in the Degree in Business Administration and Management, Degree in Marketing and Market Research, Master in Tourism Management, Master in MBA and coordinator of the Entrepreneurial Marketing Module in the Master in Business Creation, New Business and Innovative Projects (Masterup). Lines of research focused on tourism marketing, new tourism modalities and teaching innovation.
Bakardjieva, E. and Kimmel, A. J. (2017). Neuromarketing Research Practices: Attitudes, Ethics, and Behavioral Intentions. Ethics & Behavior, 27(3), 179-200. https://www.doi.org/10.1080/10508422.2016.1162719 .
Kotler and armstrong 2012.
Tapia Frade, A., & Del Toro-Acosta, A. (2019). Semi-nudity, gender and other factors in television advertising. An approach from neuroscience. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, 147, 1-21. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2019.147.1-21. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2019.147.1-21
David, P.; Morrison, G.; Johnson M., and Ross, F. (2002). Body Image, Race, and Fashion Models. Social Distance and Social Identification in Third-Person Effects. Communication Research. 29(3), 270-294.
Dittmar, H., and Howard, S. (2004). Professional hazards? The impact of models’ bodysize on advertising effectiveness and women’s body-focused anxiety in professions that do and do not emphasize the cultural ideal of thinness. British Journal of Psychology, 43, 477-497.
Martínez Herrador, J. L.; Garrido Martín, E.; Valdunquillo Carlón, M. I., and Macaya Sánchez, J. (2008). Analysis of attention and emotion in political discourse based on a new psychophysiological recording system and its application to political science. DPSA. Working Papers of the Department of Social Psychology and Anthropology, 2. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10366/22533.
Estrategia de marketing ferrell pdf
El marketing en las semillas es una herramienta prometedora para aumentar la utilización de semillas certificadas. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la comercialización de semillas como herramienta para promover el uso de semillas certificadas. Cabe destacar que el impago de regalías por la compra de semillas clandestinas descapitaliza la industria semillera y reduce la inversión en nuevas tecnologías y cultivares por parte de los sectores público y privado, disminuyendo así la probabilidad de éxito de los agricultores por el uso de tecnología obsoleta. En general, el uso de la comercialización en las semillas es una herramienta importante utilizada por las empresas de semillas con el fin de superar a la competencia y satisfacer las demandas del mercado y, en consecuencia, promover una mayor utilización de semillas certificadas por los agricultores.
Fonte: Bishaw; Turner, 2008BISHAW, Z.; TURNER, M. Linking participatory plant breeding to the seed supply system. Euphytica , n.163, p.31-44, 2008. DOI: 10.1007/s10681-007-9572-6https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-007-9572-…
Kotler and Armstrong 2008
No matter where you are on your cloud-native journey, Elastic APM helps deliver better customer experiences by detecting performance bottlenecks and more quickly identifying regressions from new deployments.
No matter where you are on your cloud-native journey, Elastic APM helps deliver better customer experiences by detecting performance bottlenecks and more quickly identifying regressions from new deployments.